Monday, May 16, 2011

Garden Update: It Lives!!

Ok this post is exciting (for me anyway).  North Carolina has had a very mild spring to date - temperatures in the 70's and frequent rain have apparently made nature very happy over the past month or so.  Our little garden is no exception.  Last week I posted about a joint collaboration between ourselves and our duplex neighbors - a little box garden in our front yard.  All of our growing hopes and dreams are contained in a small 10'x10' cube of reclaimed wood.  We planted last week with the hopes that something, anything, would grow.  Our contingency plan was a handful of tomato plants that we felt would at least give us something to be excited about provided that the rest of the garden was an utter failure.  Well, it turns out that we must have done something right, because this weekend resulted in the sprouting of several of our seeds!  The black eyed peas came first, unraveling themselves and stretching out on a sunny Saturday morning.  We also saw the very beginnings of our lettuce coming up, as well as some very small beet greens.  Just 24 hours later, the beets were popping up all over and the Kentucky blue pole beans were also coming up for some real sun.  As it stands now, the only things that haven't showed a sign of life are the peppers and carrots.  I'm hoping that they decide to make an appearance - I really want poblano peppers!  Also, I picked up 2 more planters to place next to our box garden because I decided that I need to grow okra this summer.  They have been seeded, so hopefully they do as well as everything else thus far.  Seeing as this is my first personal garden, I am incredibly excited at all of these developments.  It's so exciting to walk outside and actually see hourly changes in the garden - sprouts coming up, beans unraveling and beginning to show leaves, it's amazing to watch unfold.  It's going to be a great summer.

Black Eyed Peas

Kentucky Blue Pole Bean - just waking up

Kentucky Blue Pole Bean


Chiogga Beets

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! Good luck! I had about a 50-50 survival rate on my first garden last year.. we had heavy heavy rain so a few of the plants got rot. But, we had bundles of carrots, peas, lettuces, garlic etc..

    Awesome to see you take the plunge!
